Search Engine Optimisation - SEO
What is search engine optimisation?
This is a vast subject, one of the most contested elements of the web site process in fact.
Some companies will promise you "page one" search engine results, however this involves a huge range of factors all of which contribute towards your organic result position.
No single factor alone will ensure page one results, it is a combination including how your pages are structured - the code behind the scenes.
We do not use any "off the shelf" or DIY platforms (eg Wordpress) because in so many cases it leads to unnecessary or even invalid code which bloats the site and reduces readability by the search engine robots.
Our websites are built using W3 valid code - as the link will show you. This is a free, industry recognised tool - try your own site or that of another web company.
We also focus on excellent accessibility ratings, load speed and server quality to ensure our sites load in super fast time, even on a mobile device. This is now a fundamental requirement for every website, especially with regard to SEO.
We provide all the tools for you to easily keep your site updated, full of engaging relevant content. This is one of the primary methods to keep ahead of your competition and help push your site up in search engine rankings.
Contact us to find out how we can help your search engine position by creating a website that has been ground-up built to be search engine freindly and simple to update.